03. December 2021
Obbligo di trasparenza e pubblicità dei contributi (Legge 124/2017) La società/ditta NT.17 srls con sede in Napoli alla via Santa Maria del Pianto, 80 P. IVA 08553981211, nell’anno 2020 ha ricevuto benefici rientranti nel regime degli aiuti di Stato e nel regime de minimis per i quali sussiste l’obbligo di pubblicazione nel Registro Nazionale degli aiuti di Stato di cui all’art. 52 della L. 234/2012.
18. January 2021
Procida, the little Island has been crowned Italian Capital of Culture 2022
the little island in the Gulf of Naples, has been crowned Italian Capital of Culture 2022, With its winning presentation titled La Cultura non Isola! We at Napolitransfer who live for tourism, for the enhancement of our land, are delighted with this recognition, but above all we’re ready to welcome all those who want to pay homage to the island of Procida and come to admire the colors and to experience the emotions that only this little paradise can offer!
26. December 2020
In Pompeii, where excavations have never stopped even in the days of the lockdown, a Thermopolium almost intact returns to light, in fact a grocery shop selling street food, a genre much loved by the citizens of the Roman colony. Everything almost stopped in time on the day of the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, fixed by the pyroplastic material that sealed its extraordinary colors and preserved fundamental elements to reconstruct the food habits and habits of the Romans of two thousand years...
19. May 2020
This terrible cyclone hit our planet, put our health at risk, changed our lives, but failed to knock us down. Our company has responded with great responsibility and tenacity to the virus emergency. We’re equipped promptly to secure our guests, our employees, our vehicles.
21. October 2018
I state that the "social world" is taking more and more space in the everyday life of all of us, and it is also significantly changing a large part of the world economy and the marketing that flows from it. It seems that social media are the 2.0 economic revolution after the advent of the internet.